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  1. Mashallah what a beautiful voice and may Allah reward all the people that helped make this site available for free and all the reciters, salam to all from Canada. And may Allah help you people to do more stuff like this and succeed in this life and after, ammeen.

  2. MashahAllah! His qirat is really very nice. The way he recites, his tune is mashahAllah great. May Allah bless him. Why his biography isn't present? and, Why so few surah are present of Adel Rayane? MashahAllah his voice, recitation, and tune is fantastic.

  3. Jazakh Allah Khair for posting - I would really appreciate if you can post more surahs of this Sheikh in the same tune. The one available on internet is a different tune. May Allah reward your efforst and grant you a noble place in hereafter.

  4. ABsolutely Fabulous, He is in par with other top Reciters
    May Allah Bless him and Grant him Jannah. Aameen
    Listen to his Surah recitation from Chapter 30. Just Excellent and Fascinating

  5. Mashaa Allaah, his qirat is very good, may Allaah SWT reward him hugely. I understand that he is an Imam of a masjid in Jeddah.